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Substance Abuse Program

Support and harm reduction.

About the Program


Ricochet's Substance Abuse Program is an essential project aimed at reducing the risks associated with the consumption habits of its beneficiaries. It offers tailored support and accompaniment to people with substance abuse issues, taking steps to prevent the risk of overdose and facilitating access to necessary resources. By emphasizing a harm reduction approach, the program seeks to guide beneficiaries towards a level of sobriety that promotes their social reintegration, while respecting their individual pace.


Support for beneficiaries

  • Individualized support: Our psychosocial workers, in collaboration with the substance abuse mandate worker, provide personalized follow-up for beneficiaries seeking support in managing their substance abuse issues.


  • Support for addiction treatment: The program also offers support in seeking treatment, as well as referrals to specialized resources.


  • Prevention and safety: Clean consumption and STBBI prevention equipment is available to beneficiaries. Training in the use and administration of naloxone is also offered.

Workshops and awareness-raising

As part of this program, Ricochet organizes awareness and information workshops on the realities surrounding the use of psychoactive and psychotropic substances. These workshops are designed to increase understanding of substance use and to support beneficiaries in their journey towards sobriety.


Secure spaces

The program provides a dedicated office for substance abuse support services, offering a confidential and respectful space for exchanges. A transitional sobering-up area is also available to enable beneficiaries to stabilize in a safe and caring environment.

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Consumption and Homelessness:
A Complex Correlation

Although consumption has not been scientifically proven as a cause of homelessness, it is often a risk factor. Studies show a correlation between the length of time spent homeless and an increase in consumption habits. For example, in 2018, 25.1% of people experiencing homelessness had substance abuse issues, a rate that increases with time spent on the street.


Ricochet's substance abuse program takes these realities into account to offer tailored, respectful support aimed at reducing risks and offering vulnerable people a real chance of social reintegration.

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Ricochet (Hébergement/Homes) is a non-profit organization and a charitable organization. Quebec Enterprise Number (NEQ): 1173040800. Charitable identification number: 756369310 RR0001. For privacy requests, please click here. 2024 All rights reserved - Ricochet (Hébergement/Homes).

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